Friday, 12 February 2016

V is for Vagenda (Part 7 - Human Nature)

V is for Vagenda (Part 7 - Human Nature) 


Dr. John C. Lilly spearheaded much research, including project JANUS, that showed evidence that would change the fundamental way we conceive of dolphin communication. David Toop explored the symptoms of telepathy in schools of fish. Science generally accepts that size and complexity of a brain's cerebral cortex defines a measure of conceptualizing ability. Compared to the human brain, we have examples in other species like the Bottlenose Dolphin that is greater, and examples like mackerel which are much smaller, all excepted into studies for apparent telepathic ability.

Imagine pods of dolphins communicating to other pods over a thousand miles away, with the pod receiving the message and returning a reply. Call and response is not amazing, but a data entry clerk was once entering data that included time stamps denoting when messages were recorded going to a pod, and when the target pod replied. He was the first to realize something astonishing. No one noticed at first because everything was chronologically sound - calls went out before responses were transmitted back. What the timestamps proved was that the responses were sent well before sound could have reached the pod receiving the message. The transmission of the communication was faster than the speed of sound. Further, faster than light as well.

Likewise, schools of fish react as one to stimulus in perfect synchronized uniformity. The amount of communication required to coordinate this between so many organisms would be unavoidably complex and fast, suggesting that vocalized forms of communication could not possibly facilitate the requirements this behavior requires. A form of telepathy is a reasonable hypothesis.

Since Frederic Myers first use of the term "telepathy" in 1882, we've seen, archived, explored, and formally studied the phenomenon. Through the work of historians, linguists, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Sandor Ferenczi, and more - it remains a topic of intense popular doubt.

Personally, I believe that people originally communicated this way - and that language began as a means to communicate to those who were living without the ability. Injuries and rare abnormalities in the brain likely would have accounted for the first who could not communicate telepathically. This is not unlike how we use sign language today. Further, I believe that something happened somewhere in history - more and more people stopped believing in telepathy - and because of that, the ability began to be lost through it not being used. I would compare the evolutionary adaptation to another one. Some people have evolved genetically and ceased growing wisdom teeth, yet today most still do - but someday this will no longer be true.

The boy in the jungle could fly because no one told him he couldn't.


Everyone is unique when you look at their soul. Mixing people in a room is much like mixing atoms from a periodic table. Sometimes terrible people become better people positively inspired by those they were exposed to, not unlike how Hydrogen ceases being explosive when bonding with two oxygen. Atomic elements are easier and infinitely more predictable as there are only 102 on most modern periodic tables, though some more highly radioactive ones have been discovered. People are far more complex. The possibilities are infinite, and magic just might happen if you just mix the right people together.

This is why I think honor is important. I want to be surrounded by people that I can look up to. I want to learn to be as great as these people. Great people make others feel great, and nothing tests a persons mettle better than time.

I started so long ago with a darkness surrounded with Guns and Roses fanfare affecting the terms I live life through. I already lived in a life of constant pain and ended in a Human Trial Study from Abbott Labs. I was the first to ever conceive on that study, and no matter who I asked on what I should be concerned about regarding the baby and how it may be impacted by the experimental medication, the unanimous answer was always some form of saying "We have no idea. It's never been done. Can you sign the following papers so we can always access medical records and watch what happens?" The Exobytes, the attack from Cicatrix, the attack from Brainiac, and my unstable recovery shattered with the issues at my first league left me feeling alone in the world.

It is such an amazing contrast to what I feel lately with Raiden. I literally went from the most hated broken lowly recruit, to the most cherished, celebrated league boss. I don't mean I am now the best league boss in the universe. I mean in MY universe. Everyone has been so positive and supportive. I feel like I'm on a lucky streak.

I may not trust people easily. I hope what I have revealed makes the flaw easier to understand. So far, however, someone has been a model of kindness - they've been understanding incarnate. When the world was crashing on my little mind, she protected me under her umbrella, ella, ella.

I love that song...

Raiden held my hand, convinced me to walk out of the fire and create a new, better life - but it was Mistycal that taught me to survive.

Mistycal would listen to me rant on infinitely without once ever making me feel like I was demanding or high maintenance - which I surely must have been. She taught me how to cope with all of these new powers, and with the super-charged people around me. She taught me how to make myself into a healer, how to increase my powers, how to strategize and be efficient with briefs, investigations, collections. She talked me off of the ledges I got to in my darkest times, and inspired success.

Great people make others feel great. Mistycal's greatness is a proven historical fact. She is my mentor.

We have a lot in common. We are both girls. We are both healers. We are both sorcerers. We are both people who have experienced great stages in our lives of extreme pain and stages of great joy.

I don't know if I am ready for this position of power I suddenly find myself in. The position gets amplified by long protracted absences from Raiden after a few weeks. As everyone expects me to begin functioning as the league boss, I feel increasingly unequipped and unworthy. The leagues growth is a double edged sword and the scope of my duties increases, and the number of people counting on me increases.

Mistycal - I hope you read this someday. I want to thank you again for helping me stay confident through all of this. I couldn't have done it without your support and encouragement, and the same advice just could never resonate with me coming from anyone else right now.

Trust is a powerful thing, and while this experience is empowering and positive - you are the only one I really trust right now. Even though we are in different leagues, you are my best friend.

Mistycal, the great tragedy I see in the world is that of 6 billion people full of power and potential gone to waste, lost, because of doubt that they have power and potential. Thank you for saving me from that fate.


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